Sometimes, you come to a point in life where you just have to do something to make a change.

The change can be big or small, public or private, loud or quiet. And that is ultimately where Blue and Yellow came from. The four founders - two lifelong apparel pros with decades of experience and two with absolutely no experience but with a drive to ignite change - came together to figure how to do it differently. How to answer some questions that seem hard and out-of-reach yet possible. And we did it super quick, like six months quick. Because we knew we couldn’t wait - the industry is going to continue greenwashing away without a real shock to the system to propel change.

We hope to make just a small new shock to that system. And if our shock catches hold, we dream of large apparel companies shifting production closer to their customers, for the factories and mills making our fabric and clothes to stop using insane amounts of water and chemicals, and for the people who weave, cut and sew our clothes to be treated with respect and paid a fair, living wage.

Through this blog, we hope to provide you with a behind the scenes look at the apparel industry, at how Blue and Yellow came to be, where we hope to go and how you can come with us. Trust us, we don’t take ourselves too seriously. But we do take our mission seriously. And to do this, we share statistics and use infographics to drive home points, all while producing staples and attention grabbing pieces you can feel good about owning. These facts guide our decision- making and we want everyone to know that this industry can and must do better.

As you get to know our company, and those who work to make it hum along, we hope that you will take the facts and funnies we provide and apply them to other parts of your life. We hope that in learning that the apparel industry is in the top ten industries contributing pollutants driving climate change, we hope you will start to #knowyourlabel and think about where all of your clothes come from and what they are made of. We hope that when you read that it takes 90 percent less water to make our t-shirt than a conventional tee, you will think twice about buying a conventional shirt when your current threads are ready for their next phase in their existence.

Because, really, the small things add up. And that is what Blue and Yellow tries to do. To be a small step in the right direction for each of you, that will then lead to other small steps, and before you know it, we have gone a mile. And if we all do a mile worth of good, the world will start looking a little more like we all hope it will.

And that small shock we hope to be could, just maybe, be the zap that creates systemic change within the industry. Thanks for reading this. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for helping Blue and Yellow Make Green.




